
Rhythms: Experimenter Protocol

Rhythms of Communication Study

1) Pre-study preparation (at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the study)

RA 1 (primary)

  1. Gather all the paper forms and attach everything to a clipboard. You will carry around the clipboard and have it available at all times
    1. DATA LOG FORM where you will mark participant codes
    2. EXPERIMENTER NOTES FORM where you will mark down observations about the behavior of the participant
  2. Turn on the lab computer marked “Computer 1” and open up the Keynote labeled “StimFile.key” that is on the RA Desktop.
  3. Next, on the lab computer, navigate to the Qualtrics “Welcome” screen. To do so: go to > Wiki > Rhythms of Communication Study > Initiate Survey – Rhythms. It will ask you for a password: “ra_access”
    1. Type in participant number, and computer code (1) on the screen to initiate program. Make sure you press >>>.
  4. Make sure you have the stopwatch on you at all times.
  5. Place experiment sign on the door to let participants know where they are supposed to be.

RA 2 (secondary)

  1. Set up the recording equipment for a single user (video and audio) [see video/wiki]

2) Participant arrival – get consent (2-3 minutes)

  1. Greet participants and have them sit in front of computer to complete the consent form and questionnaires.
  2. READ THE FOLLOWING: Before we get started, please follow the instructions on the screen in front of you. You will first read an informed consent explaining the rationale for this study. If you agree to the informed consent, please let me know. I’ll also check on you in a few minutes.
  3. Allow them time to complete the form. When you notice that the participant’s computer screen is showing the Qualtrics “WAIT” screen, proceed to Step 3.

3) Attach equipment and questionnaire (~5 minutes)

  1. Attach the lapel mic to the front of the shirt and attach the transmitter pack to their pants/shorts. Use the mic pack labeled “1.” NOTE: We are not using the headset mic, so this will require you to change out mics to the clip-on lavalier.
  2. Participants will CONTINUE with the Qualtrics surveys. Have them sit back down at the computer.
  3. READ THE FOLLOWING: You will now go back to filling out a few short surveys. I will step out of the room and will check back on you in a few minutes. If you get done early, please let me know.

4) Video viewing and storytelling (~8 minutes)

  1. Minimize the Qualtrics webpage (BUT DO NOT CLOSE)
  2. Open the Keynote presentation and put it in full screen mode.
  3. READ THE FOLLOWING: “Please follow the instructions on the screen in front of you. As you go along, you will be presented with a short video clip about two children who discover a magic box. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO CLOSELY AND TAKE IN AS MANY DETAILS AS POSSIBLE. Follow the instructions on the computer screen to view the video clip for a second time. After this, you will be asked to stand in the middle of the blue box on the floor and speak for 2 minutes about what happened in the video.”
  4. Sit in the side room out of view of the participant.
  5. If the participants follow the instructions on the screen, they will view the video twice. The participant will notify you when he/she is ready to proceed.
  6. Have the participants stand in the middle of the blue box facing the webcam.
  8. READ THE FOLLOWING: “I’m going to step into the next room for this recording phase. Please talk for two minutes about what was happening in the video clip. Pretend you are talking to a friend and explaining the video. Try to remember and include as many details as you can. I’ll be listening in the next room and will stop you when you reach two minutes. Just keep talking. I’ll let you know when to begin by knocking twice on the observation window.”
  9. Go into the observation room and start the webcam recording on the computer. At this point, you may knock twice on the observation window and START THE TIMER.

5) Follow-up rankings (~2 minutes)

  1. After two minutes, stop the camera and have participant sit down at “Computer 1.”
  2. READ THE FOLLOWING: “To wrap things up, we have a quick debriefing form we would like you to fill out. It should take you a couple of minutes or so. Begin when you’re ready.”

6) Debriefing (~1 minute)

  1. The participant will have read the debriefing at this point from the Qualtrics page, but be prepared for any questions that he/she might have.
  2. READ THE FOLLOWING: “Now that you have completed the study, I would like to ask that you please do not share any information or details with other students, faculty, or academic persons to ensure that there are no conflicts with future participants in this study. We would like to thank you for your time and participation, and credits for your participation will be given to you within 24 hours.

7) Saving video and audio files at the end of a data collection session

  1. Follow a similar procedure as in the Survivor study.